What Is Alternative Financing and What Are Your Options?

These days, everyone likes having options. Consumers want multiple payment options so they can decide which method of payment to use. Business owners also want the freedom to run their...... Read More

What Is Productivity and How Important Is It for Small Business Owners?

When you hear words such as “efficiency” and “productivity,” you probably think of large manufacturing businesses. These terms are often associated with corporations looking to maximize every ounce of profits...... Read More

What to Expect in a Business Acquisition

From improving a company to consolidating excess capacity to scaling industry value, a business merger or acquisition focuses on improving and making additional capital. If you are considering this route...... Read More

Understanding Small Business Tax

Starting a business comes with a slew of emotions. There’s plenty of excitement over launching a product or service you created. Chances are if you’ve created a business plan, you...... Read More

The Basics of Alternative Lending

If you own a small business or want to start one, you might find yourself a bit short of funds. You could consider taking out a bank loan or getting...... Read More

Starting a Business

Many people dream of starting their own business. Whether it’s a desire or a daydream to work on your own, thinking about running a business can be exciting and frightening...... Read More

SBA Loans for Your Business

Funding can be hard to come by when you run a small business. Luckily SBA loans are a source of financial help for businesses. Many small businesses struggle to get...... Read More

Paying Attention to Your Working Capital

When it comes to paying your employees and operating your business, capital comes into play. Your business needs to run efficiently and handle the incoming costs that come with operating...... Read More

Accept Mistakes to Succeed in Business

Our society sees failure as a terrible fate, but successful entrepreneurs find it valuable. We are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of overcoming mistakes. It even seems like those...... Read More

5 Steps to Becoming a Real Estate Agent

If you’ve recently decided to make a career change or you’ve been contemplating switching industries for a while, perhaps you’ve considered real estate. Not only can working as a real...... Read More